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STI Names Commendable Distinguished Alumni
Words of Inspiration from the 2019 STI Distinguished Alumni

The Artisan Soap Maker with a Cause

“It started out as a class project.” This is what Arielle Jasmine “AJ” Llanes would say about the beginnings of her now thriving business, Natureals Bath and Body Products, an organic, handmade, and natural line of skincare products.


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Career Tips

Get the Winning Edge at Work
By: Lolita Villa
Have you ever felt frustrated with your work? Did you ever see your job as a vicious cycle, an ongoing parade of deadlines and tasks, with no hope of satisfaction in sight? Unfortunately, many people think of their jobs as prison walls, and labor each day as if they were digging their way uphill.
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Motivation in the Workplace
By: Andrienne Gaerlan
Ah, motivation. That elusive muse that keeps everyone going (in)sane. Motivation is everywhere: Why do people fall in love? Why do people go to the gym? Why do we buy certain things? What is motivation anyway?
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